Common Questions
The following list is not exhaustive. For any queries please speak with your GP, Consultant or a Staff Member.

I have been told that I have Osteoporosis but I am only twenty-five years of age. I thought it was an old woman’s disease?
Osteoporosis can affect men, women and children of all ages. For more information on some of the causes of osteoporosis, click here.
How is Osteoporosis diagnosed?
A bone density scan, called a Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry or DXA scan, Which measures the bone density of the Lumbar spine and hip, it is used to measure the density of bones. For more information, and a list of DXA scanners throughout the country, click here.
I have been diagnosed with Osteoporosis but I don’t know how I got it, as I have always eaten healthily?
While a poor diet can be a cause of osteoporosis, it is only one of many factors that can predispose to osteoporosis. For more information on some of the causes of osteoporosis, click here.
My sister has been diagnosed with Osteoporosis and she is only 52. Should I get myself checked, as I am 54 years of age?
Osteoporosis can run in families, so you should have your bone density checked. Click here for a list of DXA scanners.
I don’t eat meat or dairy products, as I am a vegan. How can I prevent myself from getting Osteoporosis?
You can decrease your chances of getting Osteoporosis by eating adequate calories and calcium rich foods such as green vegetables and nuts. And you should include dairy products such as calcium and vitamin D enriched milk, cheese and yoghurt. You should also try to eat protein, which can be found in lentils and tofu as too little protein can affect the collagen content of bone. You can also take calcium and vitamin D supplements.
How much Vitamin D do I need daily?
According to the Food Safety Authority of Ireland, the following are the recommended daily allowances of vitamin D:
Aged 1-10: 10 micrograms of Vitamin D per day
Aged 11+: 7.5 micrograms of Vitamin D per day
during the second half of pregnancy and the first six months of lactation: 10 micrograms of Vitamin D per day.
Your body can get vitamin D from exposure to sunlight. You can also get it from margarine, fish oils and oily fish, egg yolks and fortified foods. You can also take supplements.
Why are the elderly so at risk of Osteoporosis?
There are many reasons why they are more at risk than younger people. If they are thin, their bones will not be protected, as they will have low levels of oestrogen. Many do not have a well balanced diet with sufficient calories. They tend not to eat healthy daily meals, as pre-packed food is easier. Many do not take adequate weight bearing exercise and often have other medical problems that will increase the risk of osteoporosis.
I have heard that there are no treatments for Osteoporosis Is this true?
This is incorrect. Click here for information on osteoporosis treatments.